There are some of obvious things in life. One of them is: if you are hosting an event, full attendance is your north. So… how you achieve that? The answer contains, among many matters, reminders for your invitees, because they are a good way to keep them informed about the upcoming gathering and to remember them to mark the calendar correctly.

First, is necessary to know you don’t need to spam everyone. In fact, avoid the abuse of reminders, because you could cause rejection in your guests. So, it’s vital to find balance when it comes to using message services to remember important dates.

Event reminders are very useful. Not everybody is organized, so any email, notification, or message to remind an upcoming event, is always welcomed.

The normal basis establishes that two reminders are enough to achieve your goal: a week before your event, and the day before or the same morning (depending on the hour of your gathering). This plan won’t drive anyone crazy. Nevertheless, depending on the subject of your event, you could add more reminders. For example: if you’re planning a product launch with an intrigue campaign, for sure you’ll need more reminders.

Event reminders are easy things to do, because they offer many options. The universal ones are emails and text messages. However, through mobile apps (Zkipster, EventMobi, Bizzabo, Velocevent, etc.) you can also manage event reminders. Also Facebook works with event reminders, if your gathering is registered as an event in the social network.