Special Occasion


Planning events is our passion! With more than 10 years of experience in the field, we will make sure that you have the event you dream of. From conceptualizing to designing, planning, and producing; our team will gladly work with you and for you in order to create the event that will leave your guests simply speechless.

Organizing a spectacular event should be a stress free situation for you as our customer. From decoration to furnishing, flowers, staging, lighting, video and photography production, entertainment, catering, and staffing.

Just set a meeting with us and follow three simple rules:

1. Visualize your event: Tell us about it! What type of celebration is it? A Baby Shower, Bridal Shower, Sweet Sixteen, Graduation, Birthday Party, Bar Mitzvah, Engagement Party, Retirement or Anniversary? Give us a theme, and your vision. The rest is on us!\
2. Establish a budget: this will give us an idea on how far can we go.
3. Go to the details: The secret of a memorable event is the “attention to detail”.

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