So… you just selected the location for your next event. Everything is going according to the plan and suddenly you realize that you’ll need more space in the outdoor area of the venue. Don’t panic, because there’s always a way to create space. Today, we are going to talk about one of those options.

If that outdoor area has a pool, you just got your life solved. It doesn’t matter if it’s small or big. You are ready to expand!

What are we talking about? Well, with just a beautiful cover over the pool you’ll have a new perspective, because that area you just covered can now be used for something more than swimming.

One of the cleverest way to use a (big) pool cover is as a dance floor. That big acrylic surface can support lots of people dancing and, at the same time, use its translucent nature to let your guests see the water beneath them. In this case, also some LED lights will generate a beautiful reflection.

Another amazing idea is to use the pool cover as the seating area. Illuminate the water and you’ll create a great atmosphere.

If the pool is small, don’t be sad. There are still some options for you. One of them is to use the pool cover as the bar area. The other is to use it as a catering area.

One of the big challenges we have every day as event planners is to take advantage of spaces to increase capacity or to just decorate. Pool covers are great tools for the first one. Give us a call for any question about this theme and to order a pool cover for your next event. We are ready to help you!

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