1953. The British journalist and novelist Ian Fleming brings to life a character… but not any character. It would turn to be the most famous spy in history. That’s James Bond, “AKA” 007. We are sure an important amount of persons in the planet have heard of him. And the ones who hasn’t, are going to in a certain period of their lifes.

Bond, a fictional agent from the Secret Service of Great Britain (MI6), is known as an exceptional spy, but there are other characteristics that made him popular. One of them is his sense of style: suit and tie, or tux. The other one is his ability to enchant women. And the last one, his taste in liquors… and that’s the main theme for today’s blog.

007’s life is not easy. So he usually drains with a couple of cocktails. The main one is the well known vesper. But there are other drinks mentioned on Bond’s novels and films.

THE VESPER: It’s just better to name this piece as “The Bond Martini”. The agent himself gives the recipe in one of the novels by saying: “Three measures of Gordon’s, one of vodka, and half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it’s ice-cold, then add a large slice of lemon-peel”. Clear? Oh! Wait! If you’re asking yourself why it’s called “The Vesper”, the answer is easy: one of Bond’s lovers, Verper Lynd.

SCOTCH AND SODA: Simple, but very British. Bond usually drank this popular mix during the novels. Nevertheless, the movies (25 in total) just show -mainly- his passion for “The Vesper”.

OTHERS: Mojito and Vodka Martini have appearances on Bond’s life, but in a less important role.

So… are you adding “The Vesper” to your next event? Let us know!


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