Innovation is a must inside all the companies related to technology. You need to move on, or die trying. Social Media enterprises are included in this hostile environment and that’s why we keep seeing new features from them every certain period. The past week Instagram introduced “The Carousel”, a new addition that fits perfectly inside the event industry.

Now Instagram users can upload as many as 10 pictures or videos into a single post. Once uploaded, just swipe to see the whole gallery.

So… how does this feature benefits the event industry? Well, it’s simple. Now community managers and content managers can avoid spamming on Instagram. Instead of posting too much, because there’s lots of material from the event, they can just divide the content by theme and do specific posts with galleries. Most of your followers will be pleased, because they don’t have their timeline full of posts from you. In some cases, you won’t be seen as a spammer anymore.

“With this update, you no longer have to choose the single best photo or video from an experience you want to remember. Now, you can combine up to 10 photos and videos in one post and swipe through to see them all”, resumes Instagram. “When uploading to your feed, you’ll see a new icon to select multiple photos and videos. It’s easy to control exactly how your post will look. You can tap and hold to change the order, apply a filter to everything at once or edit one by one”, adds.

This new option doesn’t mean community managers or content managers are not going to be selective. No! They still have to be, but now they have the valuable chance to share more photos without spamming with several posts.

Just download the new update of Instagram and you´ll be able to upload up to 10 photos or videos into one single post. Go ahead!

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