1. Size

You must be clear about the size of your party before choosing a venue, so make sure to define the number of guests you are going to invite to your special occasion. Once you have that in hand, go on and examine the options for the amount of people chosen. Remember it’s always good to have a margin of error: don’t choose a venue that fits for the exact number, because it’s always better to have extra space than to have none.

  1. Budget

Clearly, it’s obvious you need to know how much is in your established budget before choosing the perfect venue. It’s better to define the budget first and then select the location, because that will avoid extra expenses for people who usually are easy to convince.

  1. Details

Earlier we talked about space. Well, there’s something else to take in consideration inside this matter. Remember you need to create comfortable zones for your staff (in case you have). For example: if you’re going to install a kitchen for your chefs, it’s vital to have enough space to do it. Also, if you hire entertainers, it’s good to have areas to serve as dressing rooms or as storage rooms.

  1. Order

Adapt the decoration to the venue, not sideways. After you choose the location, start thinking about decor. First you need to know vital things like how tall is the venue, what’s on the walls, etc.