Clichés are everywhere and getting married on the beach is one of them… that’s for sure. We’ve seen thousands and thousands of couples using this idea, from celebrities to any unknown civilian. Nevertheless, the magic that surrounds these kinds of events remains untouchable.

So, ahead we bring to the table various reasons to get married on the beach. Let’s start!

Perfect setting

Enjoy nature! Just picture this: a beautiful sunset, the ocean in the back, the relaxing sound of waves crashing, your special guests gathered around, a band playing the wedding march and the love of your life in front of you. Sounds great! You can have all these things together if you plan a beach marriage. For sure, it will be an unforgettable experience.

The context is also perfect to take beautiful wedding photos. You can create the popular mix of elegance with nature.

Simple decoration

A beautiful ocean backdrop is almost enough. That’s why you don’t need to decorate too much, which means: less expenses and less concern. Just take advantage of the harmonious color palette of sand and water to set a simple decor.

Dress code freedom

Getting married on the beach allows you to play with the dress code. Yes, you can go strictly formal. However, you can also try something lighter and it will fit perfectly –mostly– thanks to the natural context. Remember to avoid using a fussy dress or fussy veal, because they are not wind-friendly/sand-friendly.