The human hand has a particular touch. That’s why Facebook decided to hire a group of new employees that are now in charge of this social network’s new addition: Featured Events List for iOS users.

What’s that about? Well, Facebook’s curators will search for the top events in 10 American cities and then they will make a filter with the best ones, so you can find them easily in your phone.

This new feature is now available for Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington D.C. Soon more locations will be added.

Previously, Facebook used algorithms to sort events in sections (Ex. “Popular with Friends” or “Suggested for you”). Now, the human hand has the last word.

 “What we do is have a team of people who are basically looking at events on Facebook that have broad appeal, that a lot of people could go to, and they’re highlighting ones they think will be good to list out,” said Facebook Events product manager, Aditya Koolwal, during an interview with Tech Crunch.

In a few words, it’s a nice feature that will allow you to see the coolest events in your city. It’s also a perfect way to promote the cultural offer of any spot in the world.

For now we’ll have to wait until the list of cities is expanded, because remember that around 550 million people use Facebook Events each month.