Every woman loves flowers, not only to receive them as a gift, to decorate her home or to wear, but even more so, as a bouquet to carry and complement her wedding gown on one of the most memorable days of her life. The bridal bouquet is an essential part of a modern bride’s outfit, in every wedding scenario. It is true that flowers add visual beauty and a touch of romance to a wedding, but there are deeper reasons for their presence.

A bride carrying flowers has its roots in ancient times. In Ancient Rome, brides carried garlands, believing that it signifies new beginnings, fidelity and hope of fertility. In the Middle Ages, strong-smelling herbs and spices were thought to ward off and drive away evil spirits, bad luck, ill health and help mask the smell of body odor.

The modern version of the bridal bouquet was popularized by Queen Victoria who, when marrying Prince Albert, carried a tiny round clutch of flowers in a filigree holder filled with moss and orange blossom. In Victorian times, lovers often sent different flowers as a way of expressing their love. Each flower had a different meaning, and their exchange soon became very popular. Flowers were a part of wedding ceremonies because of this romantic association. Brides carefully chose flowers for the sentiments they represented.

However, in modern times, charming as they may have seemed, the old traditions have been almost forgotten, with brides now selecting flowers for the beauty of their colors, fragrance and shape. The bouquet is the bride’s ultimate accessory and greatly adds to the overall appearance of the day. The bride’s selected blooms are a way to express her personal style, taste and personality, it’s also an essential complement to her gown.