Wedding cakes are a time-honored tradition that many couples choose to include on their big day. But just as some people don’t look their best in true white or would rather choose different décor elements than fresh blooms, not everyone loves cake! If that’s your case, can you opt to skip the wedding cake altogether? As experts, we can give you some tips that could help you take that decision.
If you don’t want to serve cake at your wedding, but you like to enjoy some sweets during the celebration, you can go for another alternative. Maybe instead of serving cake, look for another dessert that you love. You could offer an ice cream sundae bar, a spread of cookies and brownies, or your favorite flavors of pies. Another idea can include fresh fruits and squares of chocolate to pair with the different flavors. A coffee or hot cocoa bar is also a nice treat for the night.
Remember, it’s your celebration! so there’s no reason to designate a part of your budget toward something you don’t see as a crucial part of your wedding day. The great thing is, skipping the wedding cake doesn’t mean your party has to be a dessert-free zone, nor does it mean you need to also skip traditions like the cake cutting or the first bite shared as husband and wife. You can do all traditions with your special touch. So, forget about what you should do for your big day and start thinking on what you and your future husband would like for that unique