We know that the preparation of a wedding entails much illusion and stress at the same time, but nothing compares to knowing that every effort was worth it, once the day arrived; and the bridesmaids play an indispensable role in the whole process, so today we bring some ideas to make an unforgettable bachelorette party.

·      Giant Balloons: Any party looks much cooler with some balloons located at strategic points. If they are balloons letters that form words referring to the wedding, much better!

·      Snacks and appetizers bar: In the middle of such an intimate celebration, it’s best for everyone to feel free taking whatever they want and whenever they want. The cocktail and snack stations are the best allies for these occasions.

·      Photocall: These spaces have become a trend and a fun way of saving memories. How about preparing a special place at the party to take the pictures? It can have a floral decoration, balloons and curtains that create a very romantic atmosphere. Also, if some props are integrated, the photos will be much more creative. The bride will be very grateful for this idea!

·      Unmistakable glasses: You can add original details to the glasses so they do not get confused. Some labels with rings and the names of each one would be a very useful idea and will give that fun touch to the celebration.

·      Girl music: What would a party without music? Do not miss the songs that encourage the atmosphere. Create a playlist with which everyone feels comfortable to have a good time.

·      Stylish signs: You can add to the decoration some signs that count the days until the wedding or sympathetic phrases.

·      Combined clothes: Some t-shirts that distinguish the guests as a part of the bride team, is a very original idea.

Remember that it is a moment in which all bridesmaids must work together to entertain one of theirs best friends and make sure she has the time of his life. Last but not least, don’t forget the funny invitations!