We know that social networks are here to stay, and with them, endless possibilities to disclose what we want at medium and large scale. In these times, it’s fundamental to place our events in a much broader dimension and with a greater scope.

If you want your event to be a Boom! keep these tips in mind:

  • Set your goals, actions and times: do not leave anything to chance. Plan well everything you want to see on that long-awaited day.
  • Choose the right networks for the type of event and the audience you want to reach. For example: Facebook can be used for family parties, while LinkedIn is perfect for corporate events.
  • Try to measure the results in the most quantitative way possible: it can be through metrics, views, number of sales achieved, contacts, followers or fans achieved, etc.
  • If you use Twitter or Instagram, determine a hashtag to help position your event, inviting participants to interact, and even retransmit live.
  • Try to viralize the event involving personalities or influencers.
  • Temporarily lengthen the act: you can start with a campaign of intrigue before, then the clearance with the event and later, the details.
  • Retransmit it in real time through YouTube, Facebook Life, Instagram TV or Live.
  • Give priority to the image by publishing photos, videos or stories.
  • Keep a quick and fluid feedback with all those people who put comments and suggestions.

You already have the basic tips, now put them into practice!